I see yachts in the many marinas in Auckland. Owning a yacht is a lifestyle beyond the water engineer. My maternal grandma who was a Buddhist used to tell me to live a good life. Then in my rebirth, I will have a better life. Perhaps I will have a yacht, and perhaps be the youngest person to sail round the world solo.
A New Zealand-born Dutch teenager who wants to sail around the world could face challenges from child protection and maritime authorities if she plans to launch her vessel here.
Thirteen-year-old Laura Dekker, born on a yacht off the coast of New Zealand, wants to become the youngest person to make the voyage.
She has the support of her seafaring father, but child protection authorities in her Netherlands homeland want to stop her and have applied for temporary custody.
Laura hopes to set sail next month and plans to take two years, resting in ports to avoid bad weather.
"I want simply to learn about the world and to live freely," she told Dutch television.
The Daily Telegraph reported she has a New Zealand passport, which could allow her to escape the Dutch Council for Child Protection and begin her trip here. But she would have to overcome local regulations before she could set sail.
Child, Youth and Family will not comment while the case is before the Dutch court. But deputy chief executive Ray Smith said he did not think it was sensible for a 13-year-old to sail solo around the world. "I think most people would share that view."
According to our news, Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) will also not allow her to sail.
Beautiful snap. The cloud formations are very nice.
I don't think I'll survive for a few weeks at sea alone! kudos to her for wanting to do it, not going to be very easy but I think perhaps she should wait till she's a bit older?
Beautiful photo for the theme. Ann, it is ok. I can get my aussie friends to get the Red Sunflower for me, if I really wanted it. Thank you for the kind offer. My aussie friends used to come down here for shopping.
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