

Friday, August 30, 2013

Weekend reflection: Looks like a painting.

Photo: This reflection looks like a painting.


Photohunt: Model

Mannequin comes from the French word mannequin, which 

had acquired the meaning "an artist's jointed model", which 

in turn came from the Middle Dutch word manneken

meaning "little man, figurine

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday challenge Fire.

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant 

materials called "moxa" are burned on or very near 

the surface . I had a sore leg, and the practitioner burn a 

stick and went round my leg.


"FIRE" (Candle, Fireplace, Fireworks, Sparks,...)

Thursday Challenge is a place for photographic fun and learning. A theme is announced on this site each week. You may either take a new photograph related in some way to the theme or select one that you have taken previously;

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Generating Values From Images-- 6 Great Ways

Generating Values From Images-- 6 Great Ways

Photography has a way of being more than a skill, it can essentially ‘teach’ life lessons. The right application of subject, the right emphasis on various emotions, and what you end up with is a non-literary method of teaching various values of life.
Companies such as www.yescomusa.com deliver the best components for creating great photography. Great equipment can be used for more than great pictures - they can present values to their viewers through imagery, and instill in them a stronger sense of ethics.
Values of an image—think about it
1. Sincerity- A photograph can teach sincerity. It can teach the concept of a special bond and being true to it; whether this is with a person, or a hobby.
2. Happiness- Happiness can be expressed through a countless number of ways through effective photographic methods.
3. Sadness- The concepts of sadness and hard times aren’t something we should focus on heavily, but need to accept and recognize. Photographs can portray pain beautifully.
4. Hope- An image can deliver the belief of hope and overcoming difficulty. It’s a great value to apply toward life and everyday growth.
5. Individualism- The strength of being yourself. Applying the idea into the minds of people through the source of an image can really help them identify with it as a true value.
6. Love- Love was saved for last, but certainly not the least. Love is something we can all identify with and feel passionate toward.  Photography allows this feeling to last forever.
Applying proper techniques through the right equipment is the very beginning to becoming a photographer of great standing.  Reputable retailers such as www.yescomusa.com give you the opportunity to buy great equipment, take great photos, and work on improving your photography skills.  Allow yourself the opportunity to educate and promote great values and commitments by thinking of what you are trying to accomplish, and making it happen in your own specialized way.  

This is a sponsoreed post.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Photohunt : Humble

Photo: The Chans came from humble beginnings,a 100 years ago, my ancestors came to Borneo and worked with the soil, chopping down trees and planting rubber trees and pepper vines. Today, we have moved beyond that.
The Chans and the Kongs came from humble beginnings,a 100 years ago, my ancestors came to Borneo and worked with the soil, chopping down trees and planting rubber trees and pepper vines. Today, we have moved beyond that.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Animals: benny the dog



Thursday Challenge is a place for photographic fun and learning. 

"ANIMAL" (Pets, Wild, Herds, Flocks,...)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Photohunter: Swanky

 My Niece's wedding.

Here is where I wake up to in the morning when I go to Australia.


  1. Stylishly luxurious and expensive.
  2. Using one's wealth, knowledge, or achievements to try to impress others.

Weekend reflections: after the rain

Photo: desperately looking for reflection photos.
Sometimes we have a heavy rain, and there are big puddles .

Weekend reflection of the lotus pond in the Auckland winter garden.

Photo: reflection of the lotus pond in the Auckland winter garden.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday Challenge Blue

Photo: Thursday Challenge: Blue



Thursday Challenge is a place for photographic fun and learning. A theme is announced on this site each week. You may either take a new photograph related in some way to the theme or select one that you have taken previously;

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

ABC Wednesday: Letter E for exhibition.

My friend Nick Zander held his art exhibitition at 205 Ponsonby Road today.

Monday, August 12, 2013

ABC Wed: Elephant

Taxidermist-ed elephant in the Auckland museum.
Rajah was a bull Indian Elephant, purchased by Auckland Zoo for 125 pounds from Hobart Zoo, who arrived in November 1930, aged 13. He measured 8 foot 3 (~2.5m) tall, and 9 foot 4 (2.8m~) long. He was a constant source of trouble, and was never trusted by staff. Eventually, his keeper became unable to control him, and he was shot on 9 March 1936.

He was mounted by the taxidermist Charles Dover. He has been on show there ever since, and is in reasonable condition.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Thursday Challenge: Rain

"MODERN" (Contemporary, Fashionable, Architecture, Interiors, Advanced, Cool,...)

Thursday Challenge is a place for photographic fun and learning. A theme is announced on this site each week. You may either take a new photograph related in some way to the theme or select one that you have taken previously;

Photohunt: Blue



Weekend reflection on the Gold Coast of Australia.

Photo: Reflection on the Gold Coast
