These are specially for http://xue-originals.blogspot.com/2009/09/my-minis-others-too.html who lives in Japan and my sister Helen.
My friend C told me that the cherry trees were blooming, and we don't need to go to japan to see them. I took a special trip to Cornwall Park. I didn't walk as it was getting chilly again. I was awed. There were many people there enjoying the beauty. Some were having a picnic under the tree. Children were playing. One woman was posing and vigorously shaking the tree. I guess she wanted to make the blossoms fall.
I chatted with a fellow photographer. I asked if he knew the name of a giant neighbouring tree. He thought I was asking about th cherry trees. He said "Sakura." I guess he is a Japanese, and came all the way here to take his photos. We both enjoy the beauty. Flowers and plants create friendship.
For those of you in the northern hemisphere, this is indeed the right time to visit New Zealand.
I am also posting a photo of a New Zealand flowering cherry in my garden. It is less pink than Sakura. It is a flowering tree and has no fruits.
Konnichiwa Ann! Thank you for this lovely posts. Cherry blossoms are one of my favorite flowers too so we are very lucky to be living in the land of the Sakura! And here you can see more :) .
There's nothing more beautiful than cherry trees in blossom! AH! Spring!!!
You lucky people coming into spring. Here we have winter to look forward to.
Slippery driving and snow to shovel.
Oh my gosh, those cherry blossom trees are BEAUTIFUL!
The cherry blossom trees are so gorgeous! Wish we had one of those here! recently I saw one tree in my neighbourhood , fully decked with flowers, minus the leaves. Most of the other trees nearby it were blooming too, but still with the leaves intact.
Sakura in September! Ann, they're beautiful! And 'posing and vigorously shaking the tree' made me laugh :D What a wonderful post, thanks for letting me know!
Hi there, Thank you for your fotos. I am looking at taking some pictures during this coming spring too. Do you mind telling me roughly around when did you take these pictures? Thanks
Our neighbor has a tree like this and it is so pretty. When the wind blows the petals off on the ground, it looks like snow!
Ann, these are gorgeous Cherry blossoms. They remind me of the Cherry blossoms that are happening in Wash, DC right now.
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