

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Ruby Tuesday


Sam went for his brown belt black tip Karate upgrading on Saturday. After this, he will train for his black belt. I don't know if I like him to go through that, after seeing his friend Ang go for his upgrading.

Ruby red is the soft rubber mat that he trains three times a week at the Wesley Club under his Sinseh Johnny and Leonard.


Anonymous said...

Karate's discipline is very good for kids, I think.

Jama said...

Good for him for taking this sport, mine did for a while until too much time spend doing his homeworks leave him with less time .

MaR said...

Cute shot. If he likes it, he should go for the upgrading, I think...
Happy RT, mine is here!

Auntie E said...

Looking good..Happy RT

Bitsa Lit said...

OMG! already almost a blackbelt!! That is so Awesome! I am impressed!

Rose said...

He is a cute boy...and must be good to be about ready for a blackbelt.