I want to do something unconventional, not V for van.
When you have IBS and LBL, when you need to go, you got to go. I had a pleasant experience with a vault toilet at Whatipu. It was spacious, I suppose it catered for those with a wheel chair. The floor was clean, and there was absolutely no smell at all. In fact you smell of the fresh sea breeze.
You can see the vent system with the thing that goes whirling around on the top and naturally circulating fresh air into the building. This is really great for a place at the end of thirty minutes of metal road to a place where almost nobody goes.
Thanks to research by the U.S. Forest Service, stinky privies are now a thing of the past. The trick is to design the building and vent system so fresh air naturally flows through the building and out of the vault and vent pipe. The Forest Service calls this design the "sweet smelling toilet," and it really works.
This is my take for letter V, to compliment my other post Banzai. You got to read it and LOL.
They look very functional. I bet they are a big improvement on basic privvies though!
Well---glad it didn't STINK--like ours do... I went to a Porta-Potty (as we call them here) when we were traveling on the Blue Ridge Parkway... And BABY--did it ever stink!!!!!!! ha
I've never heard of them being called Vault Toilets --but I'll take it --over ours!!!!
The key to fresh smelling toilet at home is regular cleaning, good ventilation a ceiling fan and opening the window and all the other windows to and air freshner.
I have to admit that I enjoyed this post! We don't have any toilets like this here, I wish we did. But I have IBS, too!! I've had it for over forty years! Is yours ever under ontrol or do you have it regularly? I don't have any friends that have it, you are the first one. But I don't know what LBL is!
i really do love this post. good sh... er, stuff.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Well only valuables go in a Vault, right? What could be more valuable that your own "tush".
Clever and cute post!!! Would somebody close the door, it's smells so fresh in here...think I'll just stay a while. hahaha"
I never heard of vault toilets before, just curious, where did the 'deposits' end up?
Certainly a creative post for V - It looks very private and clean. Nice to find one when it's 'time'.
If this is the result of research by our Forest Service, I hope we will soon see some of these over here!
Terrific choice and nice shots.
Not one of the usual "V"s, but all the better for it.
I'd never heard of a vault toilet until now. It looks like a great place to visit along the way to wherever you're going.
My mother must have toilet trained me properly, because I don't have any toilet issues, when so many seem to. And that is a good thing, because in my travels I've come across a lot of interesting toilets experiences. LOL! But of course it's always a pleasant surprise to come across a neat, non-smelly public toilet. I'd never heard the term vault toilet before. Good V post, Anne!
You are a hoot, gal. Hope you are well and warm. We are freezing here. I would like to tell our electric company they could send our bills to that porta-potty, but I am afraid they would eventually find out I did not live there.
I have seen one of these and they are a great improvement over the usual latrines along side the road. Great idea for a V post.
Really enjoyed your post. I have read another interesting post about western tourists' encounter with public toilets in asian countries. You should check it out too.
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