Today, the bells of New Zealand tolled for our twenty nine lost miners.
The country stood still for two minutes as we remembered them.
I was with a teacher who prepared her five year olds. It wasn't easy as we had two special needs kids. But when it came to the silence, the kids were very good, even the two special needs kids. Then not too far in the distance, we heard the bells tolling, they chimed twenty nine times.
What a lovely thing to do, ring the bells and a moment of silence, one ring for each. So very sad right at christmas time, too.
I heard the echo of the bell over here.
What a wonderful tribute to those 29 miners and their families... God Bless ALL of them.
How is the book coming?
look at that beautiful NZ ocean!
So sad to hear about the twenty nine miners. I 've been following the news about them. What a great tribute to them.May they rest in peace.
What a heartbreaking loss for all those families. A meaningful tribute to ring those bells! May God comfort all their families and friends, especially to those who love the Lord.
BTW - the dumb cane in one of my photos is actually a silk plant - a really old one already.
So beautiful. Those children wont forget yhe bells or you.
I've seen the news about this, Ann.
It's really a great tribute for them...
That entire mine situation is very sad. The bells were a nice tribute to the men, and I hope they were a comfort to the families.
Wonderful seashore!
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