This is a pair of knitted winter woolly slippers which keep your feet warm. Many New Zealand women knit them whilst watching television. No, I did not knit them, I spent most of my time on the computer.
When chatting with Rune http://visualnorway.blogspot.com/2010/12/w-is-for-warm-hands.html, he had hands cupped round some heat, it reminded me of a handwarmer I had more than thirty five years ago.
When I went to Canada, my mum and dade bought winter things in Singapore. One of the things we bought was a hand warmer. It looked like a cigarette lighter and was silver in colour, and it was supposed to heat up and warm your hands.
Alas, I couldn't buy the fuel in Canada so I never used it. My Canadian and American friends didn't use one.
I didn't need one in New Zealand. At home, I use a wheat heat bag.
In Norway, do you have a heater like that? What about those of you living else where?
100 years ago in China, my grand parents used charcoal cinders and put them in little cans.
I googled search it and found it is a Sanyo Japanese product.

Winter woollies! Yes! But not at the moment! They look easy to knit!
Well, we could all use some of those here in Seattle!! They look great, Ann! Fun word for the day! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!
i'd wear 'em; function over form!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
No, I have never heard of such a thing! We have little cushions that you snap and crack, then you can put them on your seat at sporting events or when you go camping, and they keep your bottom warm for several hours. Then they are worn out.
Great choice. Need of the hour.
Love the look of those hand knit slippers, Ann, - and enjoyed your story of the kangaroos and your Mum's garden, - although I'm sure she didn't!
You can't beat the old hot water bottle placed at the bottom of your bed to keep your feet toasty warm. Not so good if you don't screw the stopper on tight enough and the bottle starts leaking.
I used to knit warm woolies, too, before the pc! Strange. I had a handwarmer that was something like you describe. Haven't thought about it in years and have no idea where it went or if it's still hanging about here in hiding. :)
Like you , I have given up crocheting for the computer! lol
I just wrap a blanket around my legs whilst at the computer (when I get cold). Hands are too busy to spend time wrapped around a cup or a hand heater!
Winter woollies is what I need now! Well only for a short time! It's warm enough in our houses with the central heating. There are, however , those programs on TV showing that many Europeans from the former communist countries are living in very poor circumstances, without any heating at all.
Thanks for visiting. Kangaroes are funny animals but they are annoying in your garden or on your land. I can understand that your mum was furious to see her crop eaten by them. My daughter had a fence around her kitchengarden. A friend of hers had a banana tree and as soon as the bananas were ripe a group of wallabies came and while the biggest of them were picking them , the others were waiting for him to divide them. They are afraid of dogs though, so if you have a couple of them on your land it'll help.
Thank you for the mention of my blog and the nice comments! However, it is not a warming device my daughter holds in her hand - it is a red LED-light put inside a kind of small plastic ball. I have never seen or heard of the kind of hand-warmer you mention. As Reader Wil says above - woollen clothes are the best.
Looks very cozy and warm, cute shoes!
Dear Ann,
I loved your story about Australia, thanks so much!
your slippers look very warm. nice warm pink colour, too!
My first mother-in-law was of Finnish origin and she knit woolly slippers for me... I still have a few pairs, but I keep them in our apartment in China; no need for them here in the Philippines. Never heard of hand-warmers. My experience is that it's the warmer places unaccustomed to cold winters that are the coldest, whether Holland or Guangdong. Cold countries like Finland and Canada are prepared for winters and I was never cold in either place because the indoors were always toasty warm.
[We will go on an outing between the 26th and 30th, driving up to the northernmost tip of the Philippines. My China-born hubby and I don't do anything special on the 25th. I bet your family has already adopted the Western ways of the holiday season, right?]
Lovely slippers! it's a pity I can't knit...
Nice entry, Ann, but aren't you in the middle of summer there? I wish it were summer here at the moment. I could use your woolley slippers.
I love wooly slippers and have some that go all the way too my knees. They are very warm. Great idea for the W word.
Fingerless gloves, warm hat, and fleece pullover are my standard wear these days. I don't mind it at all. I'm grateful that we live in a warmer winter climate than others. Joyeux Noel!
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