I was in the passenger seat when I saw this building. The photograph showed a slanted building, so I cropped the photos. It has four different types of windows. Attached to the brick building is a wooden building.
This Auckland building is near to the entry to the motorways and I have no idea what it is.
All these windows are on one building? That's a very confused architect.
Love them, Ann!
You are right Wolynski,
Architects are prima donnas. When my dad finally got a loan to finance building his own house, the first architect designed it like a government or state house. Dad changed his mind, he said he had lived in a Government owned house as a civil servant, he didn't want to live the rest of his life in one.
I am not sure if he changed the architect. This design was no better. From the back, it looked like letter U. Dad proudly displayed the drawings in the lounge. A man remarked, "You got identical wings here, are you going to make it as a semi-detached house, and sell the other half?" Dad was fuming!!!!!
I like windows you can sit in, so the first picture is my favourite. An interesting structure for sure.
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