Emtelle's fibreflow has become the Fibre Optic system of choice in the Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand as it allows the easiest of upgrade paths at the lowest entry cost.
The Sky Tower is 328m to the tip of its antenna mast and most fibre optic connections are to the communications deck at 182m, this is below the observation deck which is at 190m. There are then links from the communications deck at level 47 to more transmitter aerials at 192m.
fibreflow product runs from manholes outside the Sky Tower up to 600m away where it connects to the OSP optical fibre network of Telecom New Zealand for example.
hi Ann,
with such good telecommunication system,do you still experience lag when you play youtube or music playlist?
oh yes,replies to your ?ss.actually,so far i didnt get to travel much - just to nearby places in M'sia.i loves to travel the world but $ permits.some people i knows just loves to stay at home and yet,they're so loaded(so sad..)
im with the ministry of science & technology BUT...my work is almost near the janitor level. what i meant is my work is so,so only(pai say,wanna elaborates more).you can really deduce from my writings ,filled with so many grammar mistakes..hehe.i seldom finish reading a book but i like reading magazines and that's where i get to improve a bit of my English so with a meagre salary(kacang puteh lah..)and a hopeful heart,i pulls through the long days at times.
you did well academically?you e nicmust be a lecturer,eh? yes,your brother Henry is towering tall - 6 footer.Ann,have a good swinging Christmas...!
Great perspective!
Magnificent view of your sky Ann and that's one interesting info about the Skywatch Tower.
Been to Queensland already?
Wish you a blessed safe season Ann and to your family.
Wonderful shot of the tower and sky! Happy Holidays!
hi Ann,
i did hope for a place in Kuching High but instead - was given political asylum at Pending secondary..hehe. i dreams a lot during school days so that's why ended up - so so.
I hope you didn't hurt your neck looking up to take this! Great shot, merry Christmas :)
Interesting post! I like learning little tid bits from around the world!
... "Moonlight becomes you..."
Great skies and shots.
Merry Christmas!
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