The different tribes in Borneo, the Ibans, Kenyahs, Kayans, Kelabits used to live in longhouses. It is like a long terrace house except the residents share a balcony and a living room. They have their own private bedrooms and kitchen. They are built on stilts and pigs and chicken run around underneath.
Amended notes: I did not mention that in the past, the longhouses could be 50 to 100 families living together. They had a headman, and everyone had to listen to him. It is not very PC to talk why Borneo was known to the outside world. Tourists come to longhouses and ask to see these "objects." But if you go to Kuching, and visit the museum, you will see a model of a long house, and up the rafters, you will see soot darkened objects hanging there. Sorry I have to be PC, I think you know what I mean. If you google Sarawak, and longhouses, you will get the general idea.
It would be great to live in the jungle maybe not for ever but for a few months. Ive just been looking at your holiday posts it look like you had a great time.
It sounds like really good
community living. Nice photo.
Great shot. I'd really like to try that out!
the layout reminds me of a college apartment setup i lived in many years ago...the common space was the kitchen and collective room.
thanks for sharing.
This seems like a good way to live life, sharing common ground/rooms.
Thank you for your butterfly story.
That would require a lot of cooperation!
Interesting but yes I agree with Sandy, it not only requires a lot of cooperation but patience and understanding as well ya? But on the flip side, it also builds great community. Thanks for this interesting post. Hope to see one someday.
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