

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Biodegradable disposable cutlery and crockery


Sometimes, it is inevitable that we have to use disposable cutlery and crockery. The convenience outweighs the tedious job of washing up like a big picnic or party.

I am very proud to be associated with Ngarimu and his Ngati Whatua Maori people in leading the zero waste movement in New Zealand. During our Waitangi Day, Ngarimu led a whole army of volunteers to teach tens of thousands of festival goers recycling.

To walk the talk, Ngarimu supplied cutlery and crockery made of potato. These special disposable forks, spoons, knives and plates went to the worms at the worm farms on the Marea.

These food fed the army of workers and volunteers. The yummy food came in big containers at lunch time. Ka Pai aka good job. No need for too much washing up and harmful detergent.

Can you see the beige colour forks, knives and plates?

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