The Manukau Cruising Club
1922 - PRESENT
... 87 years of providing a family friendly gathering place for fishermen and women and boaters of all ages.
The club has to offer members and guests: boat racing which takes a time trial type format, fishing - both inner and outer harbour competitions and is only approximately one hour from some of the best game fishing in New Zealand depending on boat speed.
I was most impressed when I was taking photos in the freezing winter, outside this building when a gentleman told me I was welcomed to go inside. Ka Pai aka well done. I am always wary that the private club of the rich and famous would not welcome outsiders.
As a note of thanks to the gentleman, I copy his club's charter here. May be you too would like to join his club.
# To promote and advance the interests of boat owners; to develop and encourage a high standard of seamanship and safety at sea; to provide a medium for the exchange of boating information; to stimulate a greater interest in boating; develop a fraternal spirit amongst local enthusiasts; to develop boat storage and hauling out and launching facilities, and to promote and assist with developing of the Onehunga fore shore.
# To allow subsections that promote activity and pleasure of club members to operate.
# To promote social intercourse between members and friends.
# To acquire land, buildings, plant and accessories, to maintain control of, or otherwise sell or dispose of in the interests of the club.
You always have such a font of information with your photos! Thanks for posting.
Nice to have a place for the fishermen and their families to gather.
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