I was at the launch of this book this morning. Congrats to all the 24 contributing parents. Writing this kind of genre is hard. I am sending all of them Via my mirror a bouquet of flowers to them.
The official book launch for A Tribute to Tabitha Rose was in Auckland on the 1st of December, and the second on the 16th of December in Lower Hutt.
We are officially launching our book - it's taken a while but all good things take time! There will be two 'events'...
December 1st - Pt Chevalier Community Centre, Auckland 11:15am-12:30pm. Sands Auckland Central is kindly hosting a morning tea for us at which we'll launch the book and meet each other. Please feel very welcome to come along, it will be a small and informal gathering at which we acknowledge the precious stories of precious babies we miss and love.
The meeting follows the Dec support meeting for Sands Auckland Central from 10:00-11:00am. Children are welcome to come along to the book launch while the support meeting is for adults only.
December 16th - Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt 2:00-4:00pm. Sands Wellington-Hutt Valley welcomes you to a Xmas celebration at which Tabitha-Rose's parents will officially launch the book. We'll also hear from Joan Curle about her recent trip to Arizona to attend the Miss Foundation conference. We'd appreciate it if you would RSVP for this event - to sandswgtnhutt@gmail.com.
Thanks again to everyone who's been involved - it will be lovely to finally meet some of you :-)


I wish you all of the best for this launch : luck, success, hapiness... I really hope you will be pleased whith whatever it brings.
Thanks for taking the time to comment my own participation, and to clarify that is not chinese, those strange reflection.
Have a nice week-nd !
Nice reflection post!
Have a great Weekend!
A lovely self-reflection shot, Ann.
Wishing you a happy weekend :)
Best wishes for the launch!
Ann...I am thrilled for all of you in the launching of the new book. I know it was a labor of love. You are such a special person. Loved seeing you in the photos...at least I think it was you. I am finally back to the blogging world. The LR class was so time consuming, my back's been acting up, and the trip to my daughter's in MD over T'giving all took their toll. I had to just shut down the computer for a bit and just be quiet. Finally, all is back to normal. Again, I am thrilled for all of you with the new publication. Hugs, genie
Nice reflection!
I hope the book sells like hotcakes. Clearly, it comes from the heart.
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