If I was resilient like these kids, I would be nimble and be able to climb through a tiny gap and not be hurt.
Some time in January, this embarrassing event took place. A few days later, I saw a big patch of bruise on my stomach. The water engineer thought it was very funny and took the photos.
I felt too embarrassed to post it. Today,a facebook friend posted a similar comment, and this is dedicated to her as a sequel. I emailed to my family and friends and these were the funny anecdote.
My present house, the windows are almost 6 feet up, the stupid doors sometimes shut and lock itself. This evening, I fried fish, luckily I open one window pane where the kitchen bench is.
I went outside to throw rubbish, came back, found myself locked myself out. Luckily the landlord had two small 18 inches square metal tables 3 ft high. Took one table, to window, but still have another 3 ft.
It was really hard to climb up on the table, succeeded, but impossible to climb the window, my legs couldn't get up.So I went superman method, I was stuck. It was like planking.
Slowly I inched in, got to the bench, then head first down the floor.
My legs, thighs, tummy ached under my weight.The whole time I was afraid the fish would burn.
The window wasn't wide, about 18 inches, as it was half a window. The other was louve. Luckily the bench wasn't too cluttered as it normally was, had hand washed the dishes, and the tray was at one end. I had to push everything into the sink. I had just made a cup of tea, push all the knives too. There was less than 1 foot space to land on the sink bench.
Felt so stupid. Luckily, I think my neighbor didn't see me.
These are my friends' reply:
Oh my goodness, I can only picture it in my head!! It would make such a funny TV show!!
That's what my family and son was saying. Visualising what was happening. My son Sam is away at a computer camp. He said he wished he was there to see. I told him, if he was there, he would open the door. Nothing like this would happen.
Well, how bad did the fish burn, could you eat it?
The irony was, the fish was just pan fried nice and golden. If I had left it a minute longer, it would have burnt. The water engineer would complained the house smelt of fish, I said, then I am not cooking fish again. I don't really like fish. I cook it for him.
At least you got though the opening, I would never have fit at all.
The window wasn't wide, about 18 inches, as it was half a window. The other was louve. Luckily the bench wasn't too cluttered as I normally had, had hand washed the dishes, and the tray was at one end. I had to push everything into the sink. I had just made a cup of tea, push all the knives too. Less than 1 foot space to land on the sink bench.
Twice we have locked ourselves out of the house and Phl has had to take a brick and break the basement window, then crawl thought the small opening. So lucky he is thin and athletic!
Hahaha, once my land lady did that, at the bathroom window, and still couldn't climb in, ( presumably like me, legs can't lift up.) Her husband was furious. he said, she should have come to me to use my phone or just go some where and waited before he came back. That was 27 years ago, no mobile phone. At that time, you just react, don't think. It was the frying fish that got me worried. If not, I just go to my neighbor's house and wait for the water engineer to come back.
We need to hide a key outside somewhere, or give one to a neighbor we trust. Have you thought of that?
We did, the husband used to think the theives would be smarter than us, and know where we hide the key, but now he is convinced.
Some people hide spare keys in fake rocks outside in the garden.
LOL, I will take some photos, last night I too photos of the fish.
Remember I was locked inside the toilet of the famous TUNG LOK restaurant? Imagine, how resilient a person is. A tiny gap and can still crawl out.
Wow! that was really funny visualizing that. unfortunately I wasn't there to see that.

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