Grasshopper coach is in our school coaching our children.
Grasshoppers is a Tennis New Zealand national primary school programme designed to introduce all New Zealand children aged 5-10 to tennis.
The Grasshoppers programme uses a games based approach that focuses on the fundamental skills and provides a seamless integration into the physical education curriculum. It also aims to provide a direct link for children wanting to join a tennis club.
The programme has taken elements of best practise from existing tennis in schools programmes and built on this to encompass exciting developments for children, teachers, coaches, schools and clubs. There are 20 lesson plans for each age group, 5-7 year old and 8-10 year olds. These were developed by our Coach Force Officers - Stu Chalmers and Leslie Wilkinson, utilising elements of existing international programmes and closely linking it to the New Zealand Physical Education Curriculum.

Very cool! Phil teaches tennis to kids!
I can't play tennis :(
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