I got into trouble taking this photo in a Japanese Restaurant.
The waitress was rather rude when she shouted at me," No Camera!"
She could have come to my table and whisper quietly. The food was horrible, and this comment has nothing to do with her shouting at me. LOl
Her behavior was very rude. I'm at least glad you got the photo since you did not enjoy the meal!!!
You should have told her you were a food critic and you would be reviewing their restaurant in the next edition of the local newspaper!
How rude! I'm sorry that she was so mean and I'm sorry that the food was yucky.
Funny, because business really put up the sign "No Photography" allowed.
That was rude, on the first place.
photography can be a dangerous hobby! Too bad your food was not better, I love Japanese food. I really enjoy the second photo.
Ann, forgive me---
I did not realize the second photo is a badge, I saw the clouds and you know me and nature....
It seems that nowadays, no one really wants to allow you a picture. I got the same treatment as Walmart.
Sorry about her rudeness, and the horrible food, Ann!
I wonder why she cared that you took a photo. How rude. Maybe she was afraid you were about to blog about how bad the food was.
I've entered a major international photo competition (details are on my blog) and would be most grateful if you'd click through and rate my portfolio (just click on the stars at the bottom (preferably the 5th star - "fantastic" - LOL), easy peasy, no registration or personal details needed). Thanks so much!
I'm glad you kept the picture! What a silly woman.
The waitress didn't need to shout. It is a beautiful picture, I wonder what they have to hide.
A worker at Costco once told me quietly, as I was leaving, not to bring a camera inside the store anymore. At least he was nice about it.
Well at least you captured the reflection ! ;-)
They cannot cook good food due to their behaviour.
How you think effect what you are doing.
probably her boy friend just jilted her that morning - but she don't need to do any shouting at all.
Beautifully captured reflections.
Well at least you got a good picture. I dare say you won't be going back for another one.
You should go back and take one of the outside and post it so we can all know where not to go. Heehe. Not sure about your country, but here, as long as you on public property you can take a photo of anything.
Great photo.
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