Look is deceiving. You don't see any water in these photos. But water is everywhere. These couple of weeks, we had a spate of thick fog.
This morning, the fog was so thick that it was like a light shower or what is known in Chinese as Mao Mao Yu. My student walked about two hundred meters to class, and she showed me her hat. It was very wet.
In the first photo beyond the row of trees, there is the YMCA building, but the fog has blanketed it.
This almost looks like zero visibility! I really get so scared driving in this situation!
I love the fog/mist. Makes for a surreal atmosphere
We've had some fog here too in Melbourne. I love fog, it's a sign of autumn.
Misty! Great perspective!
We can still do a lot of thing in the Mao Mao Yu.
Heavy rains simply hold us indoor.
I really like your pictures of the fog. It makes everything look mysterious.
EW! Fig! Hope you were careful driving!
Re a remark you made about the southern-most point in Canada: It's called Point Pelee and is on Lake Erie, one of the five Great Lakes.
In the photos some colors seem to stand out more. I do not like driving at all in the fog. But I do enjoy a foggy day once in a while, its so peaceful and soft!
I feel wet already, Ann...what a thick fog.
Thanks for dropping by...
About Cafe DeDaunan in my post; for me, the prices are expensive, but perhaps not for others :)
I love foggy mornings. Great idea nd photos for watery Wednesday!
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