

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Outdoor and ABC Wednesday: P for pigeons in the Park

ABC Wednesday is hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt


I went to Coyle's park.
These pigeons flew from no where to eat the bread I threw to the car park next to my car. They were landing on my bonnet. One even stood at the side mirror. I was afraid they would poop on my car, so I stopped feeding them.


rainfield61 said...

Hahaha, you found pigeons.

They are so many, like in Malaysia.

magiceye said...

lovely captures!

Redzlan said...

Nice pics.
love that 1st on the side mirror.

I support WWF thro donation. I have not yet join their activity.

Unknown said...

the first photo is a stunner.

arabesque said...

lol,careful with those poops! ^0^
but a wonderful foto, esp. 1st one, where you had it macro. i think they just want to be fed.^-^

Roger Owen Green said...


On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - ROG

Lois said...

Those little birds don't stand a chance with the pigeons around!

Ah Ngao said...

when i was still very young,i eat them - not now.

Lowell said...

Hi Ann - Thanks for your comment on Paree...Paris is indeed a city of "love" as it is a city of light. We went there for our 50th anniversary - that's where these photos come from...an incredible experience. There is no place like it!

Like your photos...pigeons I can do without! :-)

Ingrid said...

Pigeons are really everywhere ! I always remember when my father slept in the garden his mouth wide open and guess what happened ... a pigeon dropped something !

Wanda said...

You have captured the beauty of the pigeons. We have a neighbor in her 90's that feeds the pigeon in front of her house - She has a "flock" of them daily.

It was interesting that you call Kiwi-fruit, I didn't know about your national bird, Kiwi.

Have a great day girlfriend.

Tania said...

Hehe, I love the first one!:-)

Joy said...

The first one is keeping his beady eye on you. Pidgeons do love a feast. Great P.

Jama said...

It's illegal to feed pigeons in our neighbourhood, their dropping stained our laundry!

Cheryl said...

I too would worry about the poop! I like the little birds trying to get in on the meal.