

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Photo hunt: Memorial

This plague is at the outside wall of our Town hall. The building was opened in 1911,

150 years of our Heritage.

At Western Springs, a very popular park, we remember the American Soldiers who were in our country in 1942-1944.


I took the photos of the Town Hall when I went last week to watch the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra.

To all our American friends, I join you in solemn remembrance of all your heros on Memorial Day. In New Zealand, we celebrated ours on ANZAC Day last month.


betty-NZ said...

I'm impressed with NZ's remembrances all over the country.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love finding old memorials. Yours are special.

rainfield61 said...

I must have seen this in my previous life, only that I cannot recall by now.

Lois said...

What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing.

YTSL said...

Didn't realize there were American soldiers stationed in New Zealand ever, never mind World War 2. Interesting!

Unknown said...

wonderful photos you`ve shared with us today. have a great weekend!

CRIZ LAI said...

Nice sharing there Ann. :)


jams o donnell said...

I love your selectoin of memorials. A great take on thsi wek's theme

The Queen Bee said...

Thanks for sharing. Nice to learn something new today.

Happy PH, mine is posted here.

Have a great weekend.

Mariposa said...

I learned new things from you today, thanks for sharing!

Mariposa's PhotoHunt

Scott Law said...

Thank you for your thoughts. Excellent take on this weeks theme and thanks for dropping by my blog and I hope I see you again soon.

Surfie said...

Nice choices! I never realized we Americans had any barracks in NZ.

Heart of Rachel said...

There must have been so many highlights and milestones during those 150 years of legacy. Thanks for sharing these meaningful memorials.