

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Skywatch Friday: South Auckland


This year, we have had a lot of rain, and very cold weather. Now that Summer is almost here, we hope it will stay.


Julie said...

I wish that I could say the same about the amount of rain in Australia. Sydney has not fared toooo badly but Victoria and SA are really suffering.

Nice entry for today's meme.

Julie said...

Hello Ann,
To answer your question, the first photo is part of a walkway in a newly opened set of "hanging" gardens in Paddington in Sydney. I captured it at midday facing east and just squeezed the light down until I had the reflection off the aluminium so that it was not too glarey. That is why the sky is such a brilliant blue. Both my photos today were taken on the same day and within about 110m and 30 minutes of each other. The barbed wire was facing north.

eileeninmd said...

Great shot of the sky. Happy skywatching.

Suburban Girl said...

Here in the northeastern US we have been getting a lot of rain too. As we head to winter I am wondering how cold it will be! I hope your winter isn't a sign for us. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

SandyCarlson said...

That's an interesting bridge.

Ingrid said...

Very nice picture !
What cat group do you have in Singapour ?

Anonymous said...

The sky above those dark threatening clouds look beautifully blue and clear. Now if only you could blow all those clouds away, you'd have a beautiful Friday :)

Pearl Maple said...

Great photo full of angles and lines to frame up your patch of sky.

Enjoyed the selection of photos you have posted to your blog for all the challenges.