

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mellow yellow: Marigold


The Marigold flower is a revered flower for the Hindus. My Hindu neighbour planted a whole row by her foot path.

I see in Singapore garlands made of Mango and Marigold. The garland is tied to the frame of the main door of the house. This garland is changed on every festive occasion -

One day, at the Walker Park Beach, I saw garlands at the beach. I had no one to tell me what the significance they were. Were they similar to flowers placed at the bridges, roadsides where some one had died? I don't know.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know that about marigolds! Almost everyone here plants them in their gardens because they are so pretty and easy to grow.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Our house is near by the woods so my nieghbor purpose plat those marigold because deers don't like their smell..

Beauty of the Fall

EJ said...

They're pretty but their smell is a bit stinky to me.

Happy Thanksgiving! Please check out Our last days in Korea

Elaine Yim said...

I think marigolds are pretty flowers and very suitable as ground covers. I like their scent which I can smell from the leaves as well as flowers.

Quilt Works said...

Wonderful shot! Marigolds are so bright!

...A field of golden sunflowers!

Race said...

marigolds are quite pretty! it's just something about the scent!
