I was going into a restaurant when I saw these love plants at the entrance. Is it a veg or is it a flower. It is both.
I couldn't resist this story. 30 years ago, as young marrieds, I got very interested in organic gardening. The back yard was down in a chasm, and was a jungle of years of neglected weed. I couldn't even start to remove the weed. so I did what this woman did, http://www.naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=09F5170370D594E931B4423BAB17634A
and converted our front yard into a veg garden. It became both our hobbies. The husband, then a grad student found it very therapeutic .Friends LOL at us. We did this for one season and had wonderful crops. The council never disturbed us.
This is the second time the authorities used a sledge hammer on a little house owner. Why don't they use the court cost to feed all the hungry ones or education them to grow some food like Jason and Jennifer Helvenston?
Don’t ask Jason and Jennifer Helvenston of Orlando how their garden grows. The answer — “At a cost of $500 per day” — is too painful for the couple to contemplate.
The website clickorlando.com reports that the pair have been given until Thursday, two days from now, to uproot the 25-by-25-foot veggie patch in their front yard and replace it with a lawn or beginning paying the fine.
The garden is not in compliance with the city's code, but the Helvenston’s argue that the statute interferes with their constitutional right to use their property to grow their own food. Jason Helvenston told reporters:
In 2011, I blogged of a similar case. My friend Diana Strawer said the case was dropped.
- Diana Strawser Yes, Ann , thank you for that. And I do remember the lady from Oak Park and her difficulty and that the charges were finally dropped against her. victory!

let us hope this young couple wins the battle too.
How horrible that someone would have the right to say whether you can grow food or not.
There are many edible flowers so maybe they can sneak that by.
I like the shots of the ornamental vegetables. I hope the orlando couple wins. I've never heard of ordinances preventing people from growing vegetables. My city has rules about how high grass can be although we can have perennial grasses that are meant to grow tall with plumes. I've gotten away with letting my property turn into a forest (or close to it). I used to grow all my own vegetables but don't do much of that any more.
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