Dawn de Stigter, David Shearer, Ian de Stigter, me
can see the reflection in the building windows. If you look carefully,
you will see the figure in green.That's me. I used to drive everyday
pass these old unpretentious buildings. I like it, and I hope David will
become the future Prime Minister of New Zealand.
On Friday, my friend Ian de Stigter made a submission to David Shearer, Mt Albert MP and Leader of the NZ Labour Party. Ian, a Mt Albert elector, science technician at Mt Albert Grammar School, member of NZ Educational Institute (NZEI) went to discuss of school support staff pay and proposals for better outcomes. He invited me to come.
It was good that David had visited all the schools in his electorate and
during the discussion showed he already knows a great deal about those schools we
represented. I took this school oneafternoon after school at the entrance of Pt Chevalier School.


http://whistlestopphotohunt.blogspot.co.nz/ This week, we are also doing reflection, so I am combining these memes
I had problem loading my photos, and formating, do any of you have similar trouble?
Good post! Loved your reflections in your photos as well as your reflections on your meeting with David Shearer.
What a great picture of you with the V.I.P.'s!!! I can't find you in the building reflection, but I love those cute multiple faces below!!!
Good that you and your friend are actively working to improve conditions for the schools. And even better that Mr Shearer is interested in the education of the kids.
I had a problem uploadidng pictures a few days ago, but it worked well on my last few posts.
Blogger seems to have been funny this weekend.
See y'all next weekend at the Saturday PhotoHunt!
Always good to canvass issues with politicians, Ann! Nicely documented meeting.
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