A Yucca with flowers dropped at Auckland Domain.

The Yucca is a majestic plant. I see this Sandringham yucca tree in some one's front yard. I see it's progression from a tall rod to eventually flowers. It was about ten feet tall as it was higher than the house.
I was in awe because it was strong and didn't need anything wire or stake to hold it up. I couldn't photograph the whole plant as I was sneaking around and stopping my car at a no parking zone.
Last week, when I was at the Auckland Domain, I saw the other. Gone were the flowers, but it is still regal. The stem of flower has not bent.
I dedicate this post to my friend E. She is beautiful and strong like this Yucca. You see, I have not met E, but our lives have been intertwined because we are both bereaved mothers of Campomelic children. If my life of having Andrew is tragic, E's is doubly or triply worst.
Who told me that lightning doesn't strike twice. E lost two babies to Campomelic Dispiasa and now she is struck again and is battling with cancer.
E, you are like this Yucca. You will not be beaten.

Yucca flowers are so very impressive, so tall and quite pretty too.
that is beautiful. we dont get them round here. the weather is too bad haha
Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Game FreakZ
Then, I would like to wish you as strong as the Yucca too.
I hope that E finds strength in your friendship. I'm sorry to read that you and E have lost children to Campometic Dispiasa and that E now has cancer. My thoughts are with both of you.
May the Force Be With Her(E your friend..)
Very nice! I have never seen one before.
Beautiful indeed. A nice tribute to E indeed.
Wow, I've never seen a yucca this tall, it's amazing!! A few weeks ago, I did a post with lots of Yucca flowers, so pretty, but it was so short compared to this!! I would call this majestic. I have not heard of this disease you speak of, I will look it up. I am so terribly sorry to hear of this. It seems that both of you are like this strong and majestic plant.
I had to google 'campomelic' because I didn't know what it was. I'm sorry to hear about E and your painful ordeal. Having to bury your own child, twice, is beyond words to me.
Hi Ann,
The Yucca tree may look like a majestic plant as you pointed out, but in real life it is not. After flowering, shoots will appear and then they drop to the ground. Some become plants. Then it is time for the mother plant to die. It is very sad to see the mother plant dies soon after it flowered /reproduced.
That show how great we mothers are. So much sacrifices and suffering we go through. Shi San Jhi Yu Ma ma How.
the Chinese children's song: Mum is the best in the whole wide world.
Good! you see it the positive way. When I see my Yucca plant died, after all the fanfare, I was quite sad.
Thank you for showing an interest in Campomelic Synddrome. I had not written about this, though I have linked to the group a couple of times when I wrote about my son Andrew.
Campomelic Displasia is a horrible, horrible syndrome. It is very very rare. Many do not survive. If they do, they require long-term medical intervention. I honour the survivors and their parents.
EXPECTATIONS: Most Infants with this disorder die, apparently secondary to respiratory insufficiency. Various factors contribute to those risks. (SEE BELOW) Many die in the first days of life, some over the course of the first year. Few of those who survive beyond the first year are free of severe sequelae.
Natural History by Dr. Pauli
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