The Auckland statue broke with tradition. Instead of Burns in writer's garb holding a pen, Pomeroy created an image of Burns as the ploughman poet. Burns is shown in a tailcoat, knee breeches and a big Kilmarnock bonnet, leaning lazily against a plough and wistfully holding a pencil and notebook.

Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) (also known as Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favourite son, the Ploughman Poet, Robden of Solway Firth, the Bard of Ayrshire and in Scotland as simply The Bard[1][2]) was a Scottish poet and a lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide.
I might have heard of Rabbie Burns before, but it only on Wednesday that Edgar senior told me about the Statue in the Auckland Domain.
Strange as it may be, I read JunieRose2005's blog a poem of Robert Burns. http://just-poems-from-june.blogspot.com/2010/06/ruby-tuesday-6-29-10-oh-red-red-rose.html (Read the comments that followed)
Blogger Ann said...
Isn't funny today, I should be told about Rabbie Burns, the Scottish poet? and you have posted his poem?
I was talking to an elderly man whose wife I work with, he tells me that his son is a sculptor and his work/sculpture is next to the statue of Robert Burns.
You think our life in connected? I plan to take the photo tomorrow and will post it for you.
On Thursday, I went to look for the Edgar Sculpture using Rabbie Burns as my guide. I took some photos and determined to find out more about Rabbie.
Blogger JunieRose2005 said... ;)
Yes, Ann, more and more it becomes evident just how much all our lives are connected.
This poem often comes to mind when I look at a red rose!
I'll be pleased to see your photo of the statue.
Thanks for coming by!
Blogger Ann said...
I went the next day to the Auckland Domain, it took a long time to locate Robbie. When I asked, some one asked if he was my son. LOL
I will do it for you on my Sunday post. He was standing very high up.
Next time, I see a red rose, I will remember him too.
Thank you for teaching me something I did not know before. Surely a picture able to write a book about. Maybe there will be a time when there will be ploughs and pencils than weapons. Please have a great Sunday.
daily athens
The world needs poets to make life more interesting.
Thank you for posting the statue of Robert Burns. I(of course) have not seen it.
Also thank you for mentioning my blog and our comments to each other! :)
I enjoy this kind of connecting online.
Thanks for visiting me and I hope you will come again.
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