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December 7: Introduce A Friend Your best friend, a work friend, a long-time friend or an interesting friend. Who will it be?
This is difficult, I have a group of very very good friends. It is unfair to single out one. Beside, she may not let me put her on internet. My Group of girl friends who help me in my charity drives. who stood my me when I got sick,

You are lucky to have so many besties.
Becoming ill is kind of a litmus test for a friendship. When you need some more than they need you, and they still are there for you, consider yourself blessed.
I'm also glad you are recovering and back at work.
Have a blessed Christmas time.
BFFE are so important... Nice Tribute !
(where went your submission for the we reflection ? I can't see it for the moment...)
Friends and family are what life is all about!
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