We are very lucky to have the students from Diocesan school for girls to help us build our pizza oven. Under the instruction of Ron Sperber of earthwhile.co.nz, they and our senior students built what I dub as a traditional oven using traditional material. They use dirt, sand and wood chips and lots of leg grease.
I will post more on this. I spoke with Ron briefly and he told me he is involved with http:http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif//earthwhile.co.nz/composting_kids-dvd/ which fits nicely with my Save the world theme.


Love this idea!, Ann.
Have a wonderful eve ~
Really interesting to see this up close.
I had fun, and took the excuse of taking my students to watch as the other students and our visiting students build the oven.
The bigger students ere happy to answer the questions of my students. When we got back to my room, we "made: pizzas, and rang for pizza orders.
Great project, Ann! Very useful, I think.
Thanks for the words you wrote about Prince Johan Friso, the second son of our Queen. He will probably not recover. He was buried for more than 20 minutes and then resuscitated for 50 minutes, which is too long and normally not done.
Interesting and seems like fun, too :)
That is so awesome!!! :)
That is so awesome!!! :)
Magnificent oven should be cooked delicious pizza.
I look forward to hearing more about this project. It sounds wonderful.
That is very informative and interesting..
Visiting from MYM- hope you can stop by:)
that is very cool making our own pizza oven :-) like the yellow bucket :-) Visiting from MYM, hope that you can return the visit too.
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