When I walk through this tunnel like walkway, I am reminded of my friend telling me." There is always light at the end of the tunnel."
This is at St Luke's Mall in Mt Albert. This is one of the entrances to the mall.
Addition: Ginny says that this is like a hospital corridor. Ginny has been a close blogging friend. She seems to be able to read my mind despite the fact that Ginny is thousands of miles away in USA.
It seems I had unconsciously posted that shopping mall tunnel which resembles another tunnel which had etched in my mind. September 29th, twenty one years ago, my son Andrew was born, and we were told he was dying. I chose to be with him when he died. The hospital kindly gave me a room in the parents' floor of another block which was the nurses' block. This was for parents whose babies were in ICU.
The block was quite a distance from the baby's ICU, and was connected by underground tunnels. If you miss a turn, you could end up in another block. When I walked past what the nurses call the groaning dragon, the boiler, I wanted to walk quickly. Everyday, for 55 days, I walked this tunnel twice. It was not a walk I wish for anyone.
Ginny, I had not shared this with anyone, not even my husband. On November 22nd, I walked that last walk. I left the hospital's main entrance with empty arms.
i always like that saying...have a good weekend!
Me too, I like that saying and it suits me perfectly nowadays!
it's like being born, i guess (hehe).
Interesting looking photo -- and thoughts accompanying it. :)
lovely perspective and great thoughts to match.
But I and my colleague used to see no light at the end of the tunnel since the tunnel was far too long.
It happened when some issues arouse during a new project.
Don't walk there alone...
I always believe that! Great shot Ann. Happy weekend!
:) so true!
It reminds me of a hospital corridor. But we do have that light at the end! Yes, I watched most of those Jamie Oliver school shows! And the cosmos flowers aren't in my yard, they are in the front of a neighbor's yard. Although we did used to have some quite a few years ago.
G' Day From Australia, Your words and thoughts are spot on for your sad loss. Have a good weekend.
Walking through tunnels like this alone always makes me feel a little frightened. I don't know why.
Oh, Ann, I am so sorry. Your comment has moved me to tears. I have walked a lot of hospital corridors in my time, and I just had the strangest feeling about this one. Overwhelming sadness. Sadness in sympathy for you, which I did not even know at the time. Also what is so strange is my post I have planned for tonight, which is about babies who have passed away. Many blessings, Ann.
This is a wonderful photo for this theme.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your son.
Oh Ann, This is heart-wrenching... I am so sorry... That had to be a low point in your life.... We all walk through the tunnels of life ---and they are hard. BUT--there is LIGHT at the end of the tunnel... God Bless You, my friend.
love the lily pads!
Light is ALWAYS good at the end of a tunnel and seems even more so when it's dark out;)
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