ABC Wednesday is hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt
The word jandal is unique to New Zealand. It is a word formed from Japanese Sandal. The jandal is an icon of New Zealand, and is adopted by the national surf and life guards. We are a small country found of 3 big islands and many small ones. During the summer season, many volunteers work as life guards.
This jumbo inflatable jandal was sold as a fund raiser. A teacher in school and her children are involved and my school took this up to sell to the kids. Two students were pumping up the jandals and I got one of them to hold it up to show how big the jandal is. It is only a toy.
I live a little more than 400 kilometres northeast of Windsor.
Love the word jandal. Some New Zealanders must have HUGE feet. :)
You have taught me a new word! It must be great fun surfing along on one of these.
PS Thank you for the comment. Actually it was only one shot. I was out looking for other birds when this one came by (obviously shot with a telezoom :-) )
sweet!! I love flipflops!! (jandals lol) I have yellow polkadotted ones!
theyre not huge though... size 10.
We used to call them selipar jepun, now it's commonly known as the flip flop.
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