a real aeroplane in an airport. By coincidence, my husband rang from Wellington Airport saying his aeroplane is delayed, and won't be back until almost midnight. The marvel of air travel, he left this morning.
aerobridge, you don't feel that you are going to fly when you use the aerobridge.
For a small plane and airport, you walk on the tarmac. When I was growing up, Dad often drove us to see the Fokker Friendship in Sibu.
It became my sweetest story. When I was 20 months old, Dad went to London to study, courtesy of the Government of Sarawak aka the British Empire. My uncle Hung Fei never failed to share this story. He was holding me watch Dad walk into the plane. For as long as he was alive he would recount this, "Where's dad?" " Dad went Wheee" and I moved my hand gesturing the flight of the plane.

Aircargo so important that your luggage arrive at the same time as you. This I leave for another time.

ground control tower. We lived next door to a ground controller. His
kids boasted that their dad had the most important job. We retorted, our
dad's job was more important. He sits in the plane. to go for important
meetings. LOL
Great shots!
Delightful post and photos! Whee!
Happy Weekend coming to you,
artmusedog and carol
I really enjoyed the post and your anecdotes :)
Visiting from AlphabeThursday
Have a splendid weekend
I like airports!
I enjoyed your post, thank you very much. Your reply about your dad having the more important job was perfect.
The View from the Top of the Ladder
Nice "A" words, Ann. It made for very interesting reading. Plus I found out how others' travels are different than ours here.
The aerobridge is called a jetway here. Same thing but different terminology. You had some good A words there!
Great A choice Ann! You know my middle brother Ed was an engineer on the design and creation of the Denver International Airport. He still works out there. Very proud indeed!
You had asked me about Jeremy and Brittany's house warming gift. We started out small, a Willow Tree figure that holds a tiny house and her name is "Mi Casa". There was the larger purchase of a washer and dryer and now we are trying to find a nice lawn mower for them.
He is a good son and already said he would make sure we are cared for as we get older. All five of our children are good people. Sometime when I feel like I never accomplished much, I look at my kids! Not a bad job for two people who struggled through the years.
Jeremy and Brittany are having a barbeque at their new place tomorrow. We lent them our lawn mower so we are glad he got the lawn mowed before more torrential rains came.
I do love airports and really enjoyed your share. Have a good weekend.
Lovely post for the letter A.
An Amazing letter A.
Loved those little airplanes in the first photo!
Thanks for linking to the letter A.
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