I went to Whatipu Scientific Reserve. I didn't see any endangered birds, but I saw some White-fronted Tern (Sterna striata). They were nesting and I saw some chicks. The birds were very protective of their young and at one stage, I thought a mum was attacking me.
The commonest Tern in New Zealand, present throughout the year, although a large proportion of young birds appear to migrate to Australia. In breeding adults the bill is black, feet reddish black. Body plumage, including tail, pure white, wings pearly grey above. Young birds in first plumage have variable mottling on the shoulders and a mottled pattern of black and white on the crown behind the eye. In wintering adults the black cap recedes with the replacement by white feathers, producing the same general appearance as in the young.
YOUNG" (Children, New Things, Youthful,...)
Next Week: COLORFUL (Flowers, Butterflys, Birds, Houses, Boats,...)
Very cute! :)
I like the Terns I see here! They are pretty.!
gotta look close because it blends so well with the surroundings.
so cute!
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