I am a free lance writer, and sometimes when a certain thing interests me, I write it on my own volition. This top section was written in 2009.
I drive pass it sometimes and I happen to have my camera with me.
Kings Garden Barns are actually garden centres aka plant nurseries. There are seven of these barns in Auckland, very distinctive by it's yellow colour.
Garden Centres are some of my favourite places.
I like my Barn at St Lukes Road. Even if I don't buy anything, I like to do my window shopping the way other people do in shopping malls. I am a country girl at heart. Even when the water engineer was a professor, and I was a faculty wife, I was more comfortable digging with dirt under my nails than spending time doing a manicure.
Lunaria annua, called honesty or annual honesty in English. This plant generated a lot of interest when I posted in my blogs and Facebook. This plant grew by itself and I can't wait for the dollars it will give me.
My friend abroad wanted me to send her some seeds. I went to King barn, and asked at the information. I had a senior's moment and couldn't remember the name except it began with letter L. The guy at the desk was very helpful and asked if it is honesty. Yes, it was, my Australian friend had told me that.
He said they had non available but he could place an order for me. i was quite embarrassed to order only one packet. But he did it. Paki Paki. The pack is off to Malaysia.
I wrote a comment to their Facebook and they replied they would inform the St Luke's branch. Here, is my post. Because I really liked the service.
Stay mellow with yellow!
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