Knitted woolly hand puppet I saw at the Waitakere information centre.
My handsome guide, Robin telling me about these woolly poles. Cheeky me, I coaxed him to let me take his photo. I told him, we were outside the shop. They call this yarn bombing
New Zealand has more sheep that humans, naturally we have a lot of wool.
We even wrap our poles to keep them warm.
Here are the woollypoles, there were a lot of them.
The Devonport Arts Festival took place 17–25 November 2012. The Woollypoles were installed on Saturday 17 November.
1. You can knit or crochet.
2. Your piece needs to be 37cm wide x any length.
3. Choose one colour for your artwork (not black, white or brown).
4. Feel free to use any type of yarn in as many shades of your colour as you like.
You can make stripes or patterns, but please stay within your colour.
No multi-coloured pieces, please.
5. Lettering and/or embellishments can be in another colour, the complementary colour is recommended. All poles are vertical, if that has an impact on your design.
We are a nation of knitters. My daughter is now knitting like crazy. I have stop to blog and write.

WILL they keep my hands WARM?
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
All I need are wooly mittens!
abcw team
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