all the bereaved they left behind. How many have been forced to join the club I belong to? Club of bereaved parents.

To the Batmobile,
let's go!
Atomic batteries to power,
turbines to speed
Roger, ready to move out
Batman!, Batman!, Batman!, Batman! Batman,Batman,Batman! Batman,Batman,Batman!
Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh BATMAN!!!
When I was young, I never liked the Super Hero Comics that my big brother borrowed, with the exception of Superman. Now, my students like them and come to school in their costumes. So recently, I made myself to watch Spiderman so I can relate to them and sing along.
Actually this batman song has been imprinted in my head. Twenty years ago, my second daughter was two and couldn't talk, but she was singing ma ma ma ma ma Batman.
it is sad.
I've driven by that movie theater many times, it's on the way to the airport from our house. I can't imagine what those people are going through.
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