A macho builder high up a cherry picker using his staple gun. I stood below him for a long time feeling conscious of myself. No construction worker whistled at me. I think these days, workers are told not to.


Changing people's attitude is one aspect of changing the world. At one stage, women couldn't walk past a construction site without being subjected to wolf whistling. Wolf-whistling at women is harassment!
I remember when I was young, construction workers used to call out,
Ah Moi Chantek, Kahwin Ah Pek.. This in Malay means, Pretty girl, marry me, (The old man). Me and my girl friends were very embarrassed. This is pretty tame, some make obscene remarks.
My fellow blogger Ginny tells me that it is not PC to do it.
In 2008, one of Bristol city's leading construction firms, George Wimpey, banned its workers from wolf-whistling. The firm claimed that the comic trill, made up of two rising and descending notes in portamento, was "out of place in the 21st century".
I like the blues and yellows here. I think nowadays it is not politically correct for them to whistle anymore. It is kind of something from a bygone era. It could make a girl feel good!
i don't know if whistling at girls is also a harassment here.:p my sister once punched our 20-something neighbor for whistling and making impolite remarks as she walked by.
I have to disagree with the harassment claim here. A wolf whistle in and of itself is not offensive to me. Telling me what you would like to DO to me, perhaps yes. The whistle though, maybe I am old fashioned, but I agree with Ginny. It can make a girl feel good.
Stopping by from the Meet and Greet.
I find wolf whistles embarrassing so I'm not sad of their demise. :)
I like the composition of your picture. I'm not sure how many people know what a wolf whistle is nowadays.
Great shot. Have a fabulous week.
Liz @ MLC
Thanks for sharing great informational content.
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