I have two funny anecdotes about the Morris Minor. So when I was driving back from the Water World on the Gold Coast to my brother's place, I spotted this car. I asked Josh, my 10 year old nephew to take a photo and he started experimenting with my camera.
My first story was when I was in primary school, we moved to a house next to this family. They had a Morris Minor and the wife didn't drive. Mum asked her why? She said when she was learning to drive, coached by her husband, she came to a junction. "Stop!" screamed the husband. Instead of the brakes, she slammed on the accelerator. We just need to imagine what transpired after. She never drove again.
We grew up, and Mum and Dad taught us to drive. Dad always reminded himself and Mum about that woman who never drove. Mum said she always lose weight. When I instructed my daughter to drive, I reminded myself that same story. That is why she preferred me to instruct rather than my husband though he is by far a better driver than me.
In 1975, I went to Canada and made friends from Singapore. They told us how difficult it was to get a driver's license. The tester kept failing them and the testing vehicle? The Morris minor. According to them,the Morris Minor is the hardest car to drive, if you can drive a Morris Minor, you can drive anything. When I visited Singapore shortly after, I saw long lines of Morris Minor cars with an L.
A skeptic said may be the driving schools didn't want to retire his fleet of old cars spread this rumor. What do you think?
Of course now, if you have a Morris Minor, you are cool!!!!
So I am so hot now because I do not own a Morris Minor!!!
Would love to have one!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful shots!
That Morris Minor is cute... Looks a little like our VW Bug here....
Thanks for sharing.
It's a cute car. My husband was driving along one day and he nearly hit a Morris Minor head on!! This was about 50 years ago.
I have always liked this car, and wanted one. i love the way they look, but have not driven one.
What a cute car. I've never driven one, but I enjoyed your stories. I remember teaching my daughter how to drive. We both survived!
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