I am passionate about Cameron's Bill.
Like me, Cameron's mum lost her son.
Unlike me, Cameron is a healthy boy when his life was snuffed out. I feel the hurt in Heather, and if you all will become aware, this could help in getting the bill heard.
When I wrote my book, one of my motive was to help another mum. This is one time I can help her, with your help. I appeal to you.
Support Bill for Cameron's Law
Support Cameron's Law is designed to bring awareness to, and get a bill passed into law that forces witness's of child abuse to report it.
Cameron's Law is designed to bring awareness to, and get a bill passed
into law that forces witness's of child abuse to report it.
Cameron Scott Palmer Sunrise 11/20/01-Sunset 07/04/08....This page is dedicated to the memory of Cameron Scott Palmer. 

Such a great help you are. The story is so sad. Thanks for drawing it to our attention, Ann.
You've got a lot of compassion.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
My daughters died of one single act of abuse because no one would listen. I will help in ANY way I can
My daughters died of one single act of abuse because no one would listen. I will help in ANY way I can
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