

Thursday, February 21, 2013

ABC Wednesday: F for family

                                        The Chan Family

From China to Borneo to Beyond. I just finished my second book, and at the printers. It's all about families.

This is a hundred years old journal of two families, the Chans and the Kongs.

It traces the first movement in 1907 from GuangZhou China to the jungles of Borneo. It is a six generational record with the second wave of movement to England, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Australia, USA and New Zealand.

The journal begins from the author’s great Grandfather Chan Kwong Kouk and centres on the life of the author’s father John Chan Hiu Fei until his demise in 2006.

The Opium war, virgin tropical jungle, Japanese World War, colonial days, a revolution, a fight with the communists; These were harshness and the difficulties the families had to go through.

Photo taken, January 1970

Mother Mary Kong Wah Kiew, GrandFather Chan Kee Seng, Father John Chan Hiu Fei

Author and contributors of this book.

Back Row:
Dr Margaret Kit Yok , Ann Kit Suet, Charles Chok Kwong, Rose Kit Fong, Elizabeth Kit Pen.

Front Row:

Helen Kit Mei, Grace Kit Mui, Dr Henry Chok Khuang, Joseph Chan Chok Hiu.


Thomas Lee/Lee Lip Pang said...

Very interesting to have a journal on your roots,i tried to gather some for my family but quite difficult as most of the elders are no more around.

Roger Owen Green said...

I've made some attempts at tracing ancestry, but I need to make it a FULL time effort someday...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

Sounds very interesting and I love the photograph.

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Fun family photo

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love that old foto!

Fitness... Fashion... Family

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

ChrisJ said...

Sounds like a fascinating story, Ann.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Congratulations Ann on finishing your second book! A lot of history in that chronicle -- your ancestors lived through some interesting and amazing times.