This appears to be the prefered fashion of both old and young, male and female.
Sam wants to wear his jeans this way. his dad is not happy. I told him, you should see the kids in my school.
Kiwi kids like to run around with no shoes, not even jandals. In winter, some of them don't feel cold, and wear just a T-shirt. They are not allowed to wear hoodies with their hoods up.
Old hubby Gunnar came in from the garage the other day, with jeans similar to this.
Evidently he didn't know that he was looking like a juvenile in them.
The old Lewis also had paint stains on them.
I guess I should sell them on ebay.
I doubt we'll ever get rid of the hood sweaters.
They're to convenient to hide behind.
A world gone wrong.
Are ripped jeans still fashionable in New Zealand then? ;b
fashion is a funny thing. :)
Actually New Zealand kids do not really follow the fashion. The dress what they like, most known is NOT wearing shoes. Just as I was walking into the shoes, I see a kid with worst ripped pants yhan my son.
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