

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday Theme Song: The Haka/photohunt: High

This is a chant rather than a song. We are at the end of the Rugby World Cup and we expect the New Zealand Team, the All Blacks to win. If you have watched the tournament, you see the Pacific Island countries doing it too before the beginning of their game. It can be quite intimidating, yet entertaining. When it comes to the Haka, the world outside Oceania is infatuated on everything about it.

School kids do the chant at school. The boys in my school are very proud they do the Kapa Haka.

Here an ex teacher Mr Emerson Nikora teaching the students with his youtube.



Photohunt: October 22: High
These boys were doing the Haka high up tha Auckland Sky Tower.They walk around the outside perimeter with SkyWalk. At 328 metres, the Sky Tower is the tallest man-made structure in New Zealand and offers breathtaking views for up to 80 kilometres in every direction.


Flash Mob Haka performing on the SkyWalk at Sky City Auckland, New Zealand.

It involves scary faces, lots of thigh-slapping and loud chanting.

But there is so much history behind the war dance.

Here's the words to the traditional haka performed by the mighty All Blacks.

Ringa pakia
(Slap the hands against the thighs)
Uma tiraha
(Puff out the chest)
Turi whatia
(Bend the knees)
Hope whai ake
(Let the hip follow)
Waewae takahia kia kino
(Stamp the feet as hard as you can)
Ka mate! Ka mate!
(It is death!, It is death!)
Ka ora! Ka ora!
(It is life!, It is life!)
Ka mate! Ka mate!
(It is death! It is death!)
Ka ora! Ka ora!
(It is life! It is life!)
Tenei Te Tangata Puhuru huru
(This is the hairy man)
Nana nei tiki mai
(Who fetched the sun)
Whakawhiti te ra
(And caused to shine again)
A upa ne ka up ane
(One upward step, another upward step)
Upane, Kaupane
(An upward step)
Whiti te ra
(The sun shines!)



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Kay L. Davies said...

Very interesting, Ann. I've learned something new today!

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

Al said...

That looks awesome!

All the trees and bushes at our altitude will lose all their leaves within the next week, except for the evergreen pine trees. The ones at higher altitudes have already lost them, but the ones a half-mile lower are only just starting to turn.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The man's got rhythm!!!

Scriptor Senex said...

Thanks - I never knew what the chant meant before. A really interesting post.

YTSL said...

Seems like more a video than photo hunt entry from you this week! :D

rainfield61 said...

I am singing if you are happy and you know it, clap yours hands....

Unknown said...

This is so cool. I always watch NZ teams' chants when I can.

MaR said...

I simply love the Haka!! fantastic take on the theme!

magiceye said...


Anonymous said...

I remember this chant from all the rugby matches I watched as a kid!

Hope the All Blacks won last night... I haven't checked the news yet.

Carver said...

Great choice for the photohunt theme and also a good one for the theme song.

jams o donnell said...

Brilliant! It surely helped the All Blacks today I bet!

Tania said...

Impressive and interesting building

Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff Ann. And yes we can tell the twins apart most of the time.

Hootin Anni said...

I always learn new songs from you on your thursday theme. Well done, Ann! Well done.

Thanks for popping by to visit with me over the weekend. Today's post is:

Macro Halloween Candle Holder...Eerie!!