I am the proud owner of this jute eco shopping bag.


The saying: Give a person a fish, he has a meal for a day. Teach him to fish, he has fish for the rest of his life. My church, Mt Albert Baptist Church is helping some hill people in Thailand.
We sell products made by these people, and the profits are returned to helping the hills people and giving them hope.
Our Potential Approach
1. The ministry would benefit from a short-term trip of people with particular skill sets, or people helping from back in Auckland in various ways:
- produce videos
- photography
- web help
- skilled trades people
2. Promoting and Selling Lai Mai Coffee as a way to support this ministry.
3. Promotion of the jewelry made through Rahab.
You are in such a giving and loving church, Ann. I know you are proud to be part of that group.
Love your shopping bag... We have several which we take with us when we shop..
The people in Thailand are fortunate that your church is such a loving and caring fellowship.
Great post, Ann!
You are bringing hope to everybody.
H is for Hugs too.
Lovely post.
Keep on doing what you're doing.
Thanks for sharing.
Humility Of A Flower
Hope is a helpful gift.
gift of hope is a good choice.
I must try that coffee.
Don't tell the Kona Hawaii coffee neighbors :)
Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
It's a cool bag.
Great post and important work.
That's such a lovely thing to do Ann, helping others is so important in today's world.
I have just read your comment on the bear picture on my side bar. I took the photo along one of our scenic drives in the earlier part of the year. I have a zoom so wasn't that close and he was 50 feet up in a tree. We were on the hill opposite the top of the tree. As soon as the park hears of a bear sighting, they always send along a park ranger to make sure people don't try to get too close. When you told me about that unfortunate lady I went on a search and read the story, and it took me to so many stories where people's great love of wildlife sometimes impairs their judgement of what is safe for both human and animal. My love of wildlife is great but I realize one must have a healthy respect for them to keep them and me safe.
Have a great weekend and thank you so much for stopping by. I have enjoyed my visit here.
this is a wonderful ministry. HOPE!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
nice captures!
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