In Singapore, there are many private housing. There is an automatic gate at the entrance, you need to know the code or else you call the house owner who will open the gate for you.
I lived in Singapore, and I lived in the University Campus. I was lucky I didn't have to go through an automatic gate to get home.
Roger is right, I was fortunate not to lve behind such bars, LOL. We had the option of living in a High Rise Condo with elevators, or a low rise 4 to 5 storeys where I had to climb the stairs. I didn't want to be stuck in a elevator if it broke.
In deed, my 60 something friends were stuck in an elevator for 6 hours. In another case, when they were fixing the elevators, it was either a lock in or lock out.They gave the notification, on Sunday, we are fixing the elevator from10 am to 5 pm, at this time , you either stay out or stay in.
and when the power grid dies, will they be locked in or locked out?
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Nice finding for A day!
Have a nice and happy day****
An interesting sign...x
Of all the gates I ever ran into, I became the automatic gate opener, I got out of the car, opened the gate, and hubby drove through. ; ) Nice A choice for A day.
Thanks for your visit.
I would have had problems living with a system like that.
PS Thank you for the nice comment. We don't have any volcanoes, though. At least on the mainland.
I think it's sad automatic gates are needed.
We have a lot of gated communities in the U.S. but I wouldn't want to live in one. I prefer regular neighborhoods.
California has many of these gated communities. I don't think I would like to live in one, they seem so unfriendly.
Fortunately there are not too many automatic gates in this area.
Concerning the Painted Desert Inn, when it was remodeled the petrified logs used in the original construction were removed.
Why so much security there? I had heard that there is almost no crime...
I don't like automatic gates either... in fact I lament that we need gates at all. Good A post, Ann.
Good one! But what I want to know is, what happens when the automatic gates fail to work? Are you stuck inside or outside??
Good one! But what I want to know is, what happens when the automatic gates fail to work? Are you stuck inside or outside??
Roger is right, I was fortunate not to lve behind such bars, LOL. We had the option of living in a High Rise Condo with elevators, or a low rise 4 to 5 storeys where I had to climb the stairs. I didn't want to be stuck in a elevator if it broke.
In deed, my 60 something friends were stuck in an elevator for 6 hours. In another case, when they were fixing the elevators, it was either a lock in or lock out.They gave the notification, on Sunday, we are fixing the elevator from10 am to 5 pm, at this time , you either stay out or stay in.
Hi Ann, Luckily, we don't have any gated communities near us. However, there are quite a few gated communities in our country --many of them to apartment communities or condos.
Hi Ann,
In answer to your question, Did I read those books? Yes I did, if you would like to see the list of books I've read since January 2011, you can visit here:
Gigi Ann
We have one of those gated developments near where I live, and I'm not a fan. At least in my country, they're also very expensive, as the county doesn't take care of the roads within them, so despite paying taxes you still have to pay for your own road. But I guess it keeps us little people out. Nice choice for A.
In many buildings there are automatically closing doors, but when there is a power failure, nobody can get in or out. We are so dependent on electricity.
Thanks for your visit. I don't know when the ship is ready, but their site says this year. I suppose it's open to the public as a kind of biblical museum.
Good choice of A. We have not many of them in my little town
How lucky you were to NOT be with your friends when the elevator failed!
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