
My heart goes out to the people of Japan. It is not even a month ago when we had our earthquake in New Zealand. The memories and hurt are still raw. Now, we hear an even worst one and Tsunami has hit Japan.. A metre high Tsunami even came to New Zealand.
I have many Japanese friends, students and fellow bloggers. I empathize with you and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
The Japanese Urban Search and Rescue came to our help. Now, it is our turn to reciprocate.
As many as 6000 New Zealanders could be in quake-stricken Japan, says New Zealand's ambassador there.
These two photos are from my archives. They were taken in 1988 when the Japanese cultural group came to visit us in Auckland. My sister Helen had been to Japan as an English teacher. The young girl is my oldest daughter.
Nice photos, and very timely. My heart also goes out to all those affected by these earthquakes.
Hi Ann, I have been watching TV most of today--seeing those horrible pictures from Japan. That is absolutely horrible... All of the people there and the ones you know are in my prayers... What a horrible tragedy.
They just don't stop coming, do thery??
I've been watching the news,scouring the newspapers and internet for news on the earthquake. Times like this I'm thankful Singapore is always sheltered from such calamity. Just imagine all our highrise buildings would topple like lego bricks!! :O
My hearts goes out to the people affected by this.
Btw, those red plum blossoms were spotted in a nursery just before the chinese new year. I love going there just to see what the different flowers they bring in for the festival.
Ann, Mme la Vache's son, her brother and her mother live in Japan. It took us almost 36 hours to contact them. They are all OK - shaken, but OK.
Re your question about the tsunami, «Louis» posted photos HERE.
«Louis» hasn't been able to visit recently. He's taking 20 units in the culinary program at a local community college and works two farmers markets on the weekend. The two markets eat up 20 hours a day between prep time, market time and clean up time. That's why «Louis» hasn't been leaving comments anywhere for the last two months...
each time i find a sister blogger posting and i know they are ok, it feel a sense of relief. glad you are safe and my heart is with all those in Japan today
j'aime bien la premiere photo, c'est un char de carnaval que l'on voit derriere ?
Publicity ;o) Every Friday (and the Weekend), The Challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"
Vi följer nyheterna även här i Sverige och jag tänker på alla som är drabbade.
We have also heard the bad news here in Sweden.
sadly enough that kind of events happens more and more often. :(
Very nice pictures, my prayers goes to the people to Japan, the tsunami and earthquake were incredible, I wish for their safety.
Enjoyed the photos. My thoughts are with all those whose lives have been affected by the earthquake.
Everything will be alright. At this time, we all need to strengthen our faith in God and pray harder. God bless Japan.
It is hard to comprehend such devastation, such loss. I have experienced many earthquakes, seen houses destroyed but I have never seen anything to compare with what has happened in Japan. I know that many nations and many people are ready to help but where do they begin?
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