I went to Mangere stone walls, and found a sign saying the trees are free for the picking. Stewart Rennie a descendant of the pioneering family planted the trees with his son in 1980. I can only conjecture that he gave the trees to the people of Auckland. I tried to search more on him, but there are not much information.
The trees are now managed by the Manukau City Council.
The avocados were not ripe when I went.
That is so neat that the people in Auckland have been given those tree for anyone to pick. SO NEAT.... Hope you go back and pick some when they are ripe.
Oh, what a great thing to have those available for anyone! And, what a great post for the A Day! I love avocados! Like Betsy, I hope you go back and gets lots of them when they're ripe! Hope you're enjoying a great week, Ann!
Oh my, to have avocados right there, free for picking... yum!
I love avocados and they are really expensive to buy here. I'd love to be able to go somewhere and pick them for free, or even for a bit less than I pay at my market.
Oh wow! Free for the picking? I wish I were there...my favourite salad is tomato and avocado with a drizzle of balsamic vinagraitte!
ABC Team
How interesting that the avocados are available to the public for the picking. I hope you get a chance to go back when they are ripe.
I came to know about avacado when I went shopping in a supermarket.
Ummm, I love avacados but they are so expensive right now. The stores are selling them at around $1.50 US. for one! Too much for me.
I read the fine print, and a limit of 5 per person sounds perfectly reasonable for free avocados. I love them, and they aren't free anywhere in Canada.
-- K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
I finally gave them a try. I can't believe I waited so long.
Generous man, your mysterious Mr. Rennie.
ABC Team
I like them in things, but not alone
Hi Ann.... You could have used yourself for A....but I'm glad you picked Avacados as they are one of my favorites.
Went to breakfast with our daughter this morning and she ordered a California Omelet which was filled with avacados. I was in the mood for pancakes!!
Besides the fruit being free the orchard is quite beautiful.
One of my favorites - what a pleasure to be able to pick them. Will you go back when they're ripe?
Very well remembered, it is also very popular in Brazil!
Amazing post!
I have never seen avocados hanging on the tree, I only find them in supermarkets, lol !
Very interesting, though !
ABC team
I was going to write that I've never seen an avocado tree before; but then I suddenly remembered that many years ago, I planted an avocado seed in a pot and it grew quite big (indoors). Not big as a tree though...
I've never seen an Avacado tree before and I don't like the taste of the fruit!
I would love to have an avocado orchard near me!
My husband introduced me to avocados which initially were not very impressive. Now I love them! In fact, they are one of my favorites.
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At one of Rachel's Tv shows, she had a sporty guest. She said if you don't want the richness of avocado, you can substitute 50% with mashed peas. They look the same when you make the aioli.
its my favorite fruit, i want to join ABC wednesday but i think i'm late already maybe my entry would be next week :)
ahhh avacados! I could eat them all day long!
Hi Ann, I am going with you with your Avocado/Guacamole picking. I love this fruit. In the Philippines we make smoothies or we call it avocado shake. Or we just peel it and eat it with sugar (of course when it is ripe). Here in the US since avocado comes from Mexico they make it with a dip with chips. They mashed the avocado and mix it with fresh tomatoes or onions what ever you like it to taste which for me is new ^_^.
When it's avocado season in the Philippines, my mom told us to eat avocados because for 4 glass of milk is equivalent to one avocado what a deal to get your calcium, very natural no preservative.
Thanks for sharing Ann, happy Wednesday!
Outdoor Wednesday/ABC Wednesday
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