

I am bunching these three memes together because I have just come back from a long 5 weeks Aussie walkabout. The return flight was delayed for one and half hours because of the severe thunderstorm and lashing of the heavy rain. The plane was diverted to Brisbane because the Coolagatta airport on the Gold coast was flooded.
I don't know was it the skies were pleading me not to go, or was it the skies were saying," Good heavens, at last the Kiwis are returning." The Aussies and the Kiwis have this love hate relationship.
In this ten foot tin boat which the Aussies call a tinnie, Sam had the best time of his holidays when his cousin Joshie drove him along the river and around the lake at his home. Some times, my brother Joseph towed in an inflatable triangle called a biscuit.
Sam is very tanned, but not as tan as his Uncle Joseph, the skipper of the other boat where we went out to see. I took this photo from the Mustang.
Great photo and it looks like such fun. Thanks for sharing and glad you landed safely.
waa...a seaman in the making
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