

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My World Tuesday: Polynesian Dress


Church is a very important activity for the Polynesian people. For many, they have a white Sunday. Where men and women wear white to church.

I spied this woman dressed in her Sunday finest, with a grass lava lava skirt at Karangahaphe Road. If you can't say it, just say K Road. Do you believe I spelt it right at the first try? K Road is a famous street in Auckland, New Zealand, known for cafes, boutique shops, nightlife and formerly, for being a red light district.

My bus used to go along it and I could see the men going into Pink Pussy Cat. At that time, you can get a transfer ticket without paying extra, and I would hop off to buy a snapper when it was my turn to cook when I was flatting in Grey Lynn when I was a university student.

1 comment:

alicesg said...

The costume looked very interesting.