

Monday, June 22, 2009

My World Tuesday: Millenium Tree.

Designed by Guy Nygan, this metalic futuristic tree is called the Millenium Tree. It is found at the Auckland Domain near to the winter gardens. This tree was donated by the Chinese people of this city.

I am no appreciator of art. This sculpture was full of controversy. Not because it was donated by the Chinese people, but because of it's sty;e. In 2005 the Chinese community gifted a one hundred and fifty thousand dollar sculpture, it was a stylised futuristic chrome tree.

The artistic people felt that it didn't suit the Victorian style of the Parnel Rose Garden where it was erected. The local Parnell-ians kicked up a fuss claiming they weren’t consulted and that the gleaming dong clashed with the Victorian style of the Gardens.

That is why it was moved to the Domain where it remained happily ever after, or was it?

Some people still felt that it was out of place. I heard from the grape vine that some people who donated to fund this sculpture feel like getting a torch and melt the troublesome tree down.


1 comment:

alicesg said...

I dont know much about art too. Some people like it and some people hated it, I guess that is what art is all about. Same for our esplanade, not everyone like it. I felt it looked like a durian....lol