
Our Government broke her promise and is allowing mining in our protected conservation land. Much of this land is what makes picturesque New Zealand. There is a march tomorrow. Through my association with Green Peace, I received this email from a local TV Artist. Lucy Lawless will be there too. I can't be there for medical reasons so I sent them my virtual placard.
Saturday May 1st: 50,000 New Zealanders from the top half of the North Island walked in the march today. A sure sign that the government cannot ignore. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10642083
This is my virtual placard. "When the last tree has been cut down, it's too late to cry." You can view it http://www.dontunderminenz.org/placard/home/view/733
and lots of others here.
This photo is actually Muriwai, but it looks no different from the area that is going to be mined. I was in the Coromandels about thirty years ago.
Dear Ann,
This Saturday at 11am, I and thousands of other New Zealanders will march up Queen Street, for something which will profoundly impact not only our own backyard, but also New Zealand’s global reputation. I really hope you can join us.
We are marching against the Government’s proposal to open up Schedule 4 protected conservation land for mining.
I have just visited two of the proposed mine sites, and been awed by their beauty. Check out this short video of my time in the amazing Paparoa National Park with Lucy Lawless.
We must as voters stop this incredibly irresponsible proposal dead in its tracks.
The simple fact that the Government is prepared to consider going into this highly protected land, which is staggeringly beautiful, with a huge and rare forest and bird life, should be enough.
The fact that a National Government made a promise 13 years ago to protect that land “no matter what” and now seems to have forgotten that promise should be enough.
The fact that the Government has also made it very clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg and they are planning to mine many more currently protected sites should be enough.
The fact that we are now under scrutiny from the rest of the world and our most precious trading “ace card” is being questioned should be enough.
All these things are enough, but the thing that really motivates me to get out of the house at 10:30, put my walking shoes on and join all those other great people at the bottom of Queen Street is this:
New Zealand is my country, it is unique in its size, its landscape and its people. It is my back yard. I simply want to help protect it.
I for one do not want to be part of a New Zealand that stood by and allowed its Government to trade away our most loved, precious and valued assets.
Come march for a bottom line. Come march for your back yard.
Love Robyn
PS. If you can't make it on the day, you can be there in spirit with a virtual placard