The Christmas tree is a popular tradition associated with the celebration of Christmas.

This lady was getting the children from Gladstone Primary School, Hebron Christian College and she's got wings behind her back.

Local business were sponsors for the function. here the staff of Ray White real estate were barbecueing sausages at a sausage sizzle.

My ESOL students Rosa and Felecitas from Peru came her F's grandson. They must be missing their Christmas in Peru.

The teens from church doing a great job as santa's helper, giving out goody bags.

Santa mingling with the crowd. He must feel quite hot in our humid summer.

The Quartet from Mt Albert Grammar school.

These people are having a real party, compete with wine glasses.

Connie was so successful in her ice cream sales, that it so sold out.
I have also posted photos on my other site:
It has been a successful night, 2-3000 people came to celebrate this Christmas in the Park organised by my church, Mt Albert Baptist Church. A lot of people worked very hard behind the scene, and many local companies sponsored the event. The students from the ESOL class came to help sell ice cream and drinks.
I made a new friend. She is a professional photographer. Her lens were very impressive and I went to talk to her. Guess what, she invited me to join her group of Chinese professional photographers. My photographs should become better and better, and I shall start praying for a high resolution camera for my birthday. LOL