

Saturday, May 28, 2011

weekend Reflection: oakley creek



Gail said...

So beautiful...I love wooded creeks. There is something so soothing about them.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Beautiful shot with great reflection.

Darryl and Ruth : )

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nice creek and reflection, i love to sit and listen and look on a creek bank

DawnTreader said...

Great reflections, it's exciting when you can see a bit more in the reflection than of "the real thing"

Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks so peaceful and calm.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Nice looking creek, Ann. At first, I thought it was a waterfall. ha

George said...

You've captured some great reflections in this pretty creek. It looks like a great place for a hike.

Francisca said...

Did you go hiking with your kids here in these woods? Hope you are well, Ann. [I have no idea what that golden plant in my photo today is... but yes, it could be a grain of sorts.]